making yesterday's tomorrows today

Reliable Conversion 3D Files

These are the 3D files I used to to print the masters for the Reliable Conversion resin model I offered several years ago. The kit was intended to help convert a Polar Lights/Round 2 1/350 Refit Enterprise kit into the U.S.S. Reliant as seen in "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan". These files were originally made in the 2013-2014 time period and were cleaned up and slightly updated at the end of 2024. The set consists of 45 STL files and 2 decal sheets. For printing, the parts are designed to fit in a build volume of 218mm x 122mm x 200mm. The largest pieces will need to be angled to fit this volume but, for best printing results, parts should usually be angled anyway.

If you'd like to see what printed copies of the original files looked like, please see the original page here where I advertised the old resin kit (which is no longer available).

Holes and channels for wiring have been built into various pieces like the nacelle pylons and rollbars, and the weapons pod has been broken out so lighting and wiring can be installed before the pod is sealed up. Locating pins and tabs have been added to many parts to aid in assembly.

Please be advised that this offering is meant for highly skilled modelers with the understanding that post-printing cleanup, processing and sanding/smoothing may be needed before the parts can be assembled and that a Polar Lights/Round 2 1/350 Enterprise Refit kit, which will need to modified, is necessary to complete this conversion. Besides the images below and a decal placement guide, there will be no instructions accompanying these parts.

The decal placement guide for my sheets can be found here

To see a superb build-up of my original resin kit, based on the original version of these files, check out Jonathon Marshall's site here.

1:350 Reliant Star Ship 1 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 2 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 13 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 13
1:350 Reliant Star Ship 5 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 6 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 7 1:350 Reliant Star Ship 8

Regarding payments:

Prices are as follows:

Files only: $50.00
Files and Decal sheets shipped to the U.S.: $75.00
Files and Decal sheets shipped outside the U.S.: $115.00 (yes, it really is about $40 more to ship a damn flat-rate envelope outside the U.S.)

Decal sheets won't be sold separately, except for those who buy the files only and later want them...in that case they'll be available for $25 (U.S) or $65 (international.). The artwork files from which the decal sheets are printed are not included and will not be distributed for the foreseeable future.

This material will not be sold to anyone outside the U.S, Canada, Western Europe, Australia/New Zealand and Japan.

Within a day of payment, a link will be emailed to you to download the STL files in a 77MB RAR file. The link I send will expire so please download the files ASAP. If it's expired before you get a chance to get the file, please contact me.

Please contact me via the email form below and we'll go from there. For Square or PayPal payment methods, I'll email you an invoice which you can pay with a credit or debt card...you will not need an account with Square or PayPal to pay the invoice.

Your Email Address:

Please Choose:

Please Select a Payment Method: (For a PayPal Friends and Family or Check/Money Order I will subtract $5)

Please include your shipping address along with any details you need to share:

Thanks for your interest!